3/6's rugby players.
i'm aching all over right now!
especially my arms, legs and stomach.
it hurts just moving abit.
my stomach hurts when i laugh.
and laughing is one thing i can't live w/o.
rugby yesterday.
how'd i wish i could have gone home halfway.
it was such a waste of time.
so much of fightings and injuries.
already, my ankle was sprained.
still, i played.
presty fell on that same ankle.
several times i repeated;
"belle, my ankle!"
she didnt hear.
she still continued resting on my ankle
while talking to the ref.
tackling bow was one big challenge.
i just had to pull her down from behind.
she ended up landing on my stomach.
exactly the spot where my op was.
felt a really sharp pain that i couldn't take.
just sat there, holding onto the spot
and crying out loud.
the best part was.
we had no reserves cos;
more than half a class
decided not to turn up.
i didnt play for one round.
was dying to get back
although it was still hurting badly.
donn refused to let me in.
the ref refused to let me in during half time.
so went in the next round.
by the end of the matches
with every single class.
my class tshirt expanded.
all thanks to those who were pulling my shirt.
rough matches.
some strangled, some scratched,
some pulled, some punched..
but somehow, i did enjoy myself a lil.
it was finally over.
couldnt wait to get back to class,
grab my stuffs and to the toilet, to bathe.
although it hardly rained
and the field was not muddy and disgusting,
we were all still really dirty! eww.
after the good bath.
watched dott do the jigsaw
i gave her for her birthday.
she's really good in jigsaws!

this was how it turned out to be!
while slacking in the class
waiting for 1.50 to arrive
so that we'll can go home,
sheila and i started playing
some wastepaper basketball game.
one full magazine
a handful of a hundred over pages
was being torn by beaa one by one.
dustbin was far away from us.
started having some competition
to see who gets more paper into the dustbin.
after throwing more than a hundred.
i got ten in, so did sheila!
this only goes to show that;
both our skills are about the same.
1.50 finally.
rushed home.
had another good bath
before heading out to meet dawn.
left for northpoint, swensens
to meet eeching and dott.
met lesley then it was off to occ.
had a good time at occ.
although i didnt really know how to play taidee.
so just sat there and watched.
guessed i knew abit just from watching.
also, watched them playing mahjong.
jen and carrie joined us much later.
for dinner.
had pizzahut.
dott ordered and paid, as usual.
watched the champions all.
the rest left at about tweleve.
was only left with me, lesley and dott.
the three of us were gonna stay over.
anyway. took cabb to northpoint.
was almost halfdead already.
was dead tired.
guess was due to rugby?
seven eleven.
bought coffeee.
to wake me up a lil.
lesley got her toothbrush.
before cabbing back to occ.
three beds in total.
lesley had one, dott had one, and i had one.
i had the biggest bed though.
woke up early in the morning,
around six something to seven
cos some alarm went on.
it was annoying the hell out of me.
woke up and found out it was just beside me.
switched it off.
went back to sleep.
woke up at ten plus.
dott and lesley just woke up too.
realised my arms were aching like HELL.
not that its not aching anymore.
it is still aching very badly.
thats about it.
hoped you'd funn DOTT.
cos i did.
and.. dont worry.
i'll keep it to myself.
i am nothin but a loser.
thats what i am.. A LOSER.
i'm tired.
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to you!
rugby later! hahah.
trainings starting tmr.
maybe it isnt a bad thing afterall.
since i havent been playing bball
for quite some time now.
and i've put on so much weight. shit!
its time to loose weight!
then, tanning as promised after that.
with DOTT. jen. dawn. jaz. jeannine. claire and whoever.
interclass rugby is on tues.
really lookin forward to it i must say.
sista was just chatting with me online.
asking me if DOTT is back,
and whether she's gonna be playing rugby.
well of coursee! DOTT'S BACKK! :D
she also told me to tell my class
not to play so rough, cos they're scared!
also, read amanda's blog.
"so like whats the use of training so hard and in the end,
sending battered and bruised people to face the likes of:
stacey (gasp!)
CLARABELLE(screams, dies, arises, screams somemore and dies again)
yikes !"
this is really very funny.
are we that scary?!
bunch of jokers.
our class hasnt even started training
unlike all the other classes.
was at novenasq.
doing sheila's jigsaw with beaa.
so many things happened.
for e.g. the file couldnt open
from the disc. damnn!
vanessat helped us though.
told my sisters to send it to her.
she helped us to print it.
so both beaa and i walked over
to her house just to get it.
went back to novenasq.
got it donee! (((:
sheila came.
beaa gave it to her.
i left for home.
while waiting for the train.
i was staring at the sign.
the sign in english, chinese, malay and tamil.
DOTT! you should know what i'm talking about.
the sign you made me read in chinesee! yupp.
was thinking of you!! yes, you DOTT!
touched not?! hahahhah!
i'm missin you already.
o levels are next year.
i am FAR way behind.
highest for e.maths in our class was 45
how the hell are we supposed to pull through o levels with grades such as these?!
i really dont understand myself.
i dont study; i dont do well.
i study hard; and yet i still dont do well.
i worked really hard;
and this was what i got.
mom tells me its not enough.
whats enough then!
i tried all ways, and means
but still, i never seem to do well.
i feel like such a failure.
i dunno where the problem lies at.
i simply hate that feeling; when
you actually feel that oh, i'm gonna do well
for this certain subject. but when the
results come back, you just stone at it
and start wondering what went wrong.
yet some people score super high marks;
and they are still not happy with it.
when will my hard work ever pay off?
i dont want good marks only for my commontests.
i want it for my exams too, dammit.
my O's are in a few months time;
yes a few months time!
(thats provided if i can even make it to sec 4)
i really dunno whats happening.
when will i ever be satisfied
with my own grades?!
gave DOTT her present today.
the shirt.. yes the shirt! ((:
thought i'd gotten the wrong one though.
but guess what!
i got the correct one!
yay. hahahhahhah!
you better be back by tues ok!
dont forget about the interclass rugby competition!
have a good trip to bintann.
and DONT miss me too much.
and, ya la. i'll miss yer. hahah!
take caree!
watched singapore idol earlier.
sylvester sim is one cute stuff! (:
and then the latest show on channel 8 at 9pm.
yupp, thats the show that i accompanied
my fellow basketballers to toapayoh complex
after training, just to watch them film.
duan chenfengg! and toro!! (:
SISTA; pris.
if you're reading this;
just wanna say i'm proud of you!
highest for chinese in the whole level!
AND.. STOP going gaga over toro!!
trainings starting on monday.
will see youu :D
screw results.
i hate them,
i was shocked upon hearing about smth today.
they act as if they like you in front you
but behind your backs, talk bad about you.
i'm totally disappointed in you.
i'm at loss.
i dunno whether to tell
the both of them
what you have done.
cos afterall;
all three of you are my friends.
all i know is that
its not good to keep them
in the dark.
perhaps, i should tell them.
town after school.
my shirt! lalallallal!! (((:
there went sixty bucks.
but i'm happy with it!
right people? -winks
then over to raffles
met ee ching, eliz, vanessatng, amanda,
peiyee, rozanna and jerlyn.
they were eating at purvin street
so was on the phone with amanda
and amanda was being my guide
all the way til i reached purvin street
they kept asking me how come i walk so fast!
just cos they took so long to get there.
but aint surprising to me at all
cos vanessa's there what!
i bet she GALEK (shake) all the way what.
as usual. hahahhahhah!
after that they all started making fun of me.
full of S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S....
they kept speaking everything with an extra s in front.
for eg.. ang mo kio became, sang smo skio! wth.
kept making fun of me!
and then ee chingg..
nicely told everyone i was blushingg!
i wasn't okkay!
but overall, it was super funny.
I HATE THE STRESS schools in singapore givee!
exams stress.
and then you relax for one or two days
before you know it,
its back to school again for results.
STRESSS! bleah.
i hate that feeling.
you dont wanna think about it;
but it keeps coming back to you.
wild wild wet yesterday.
truckloads of fun
with both of my sisters.
not until i turned the float
in which one of them was happily
laying on, upside down.
and there went their specs,
missing in the rushing water.
found it at the end of the day
before returning to the chalet.
won't go into details.
i dunno why.
i just keep thinking about it.
its just everywhere i go,
everything i see,
and when i sleep,
i dream about it.
i'm fucking scaredd.
updated album!
feast day dinner 2004! (((:
also, a few more updated albums under
anyways. to
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to you! (((:
study hard for your O's ya.
playing pool with DOTT. ee ching. dawn and jen.
until twelve plus in the morning at meridian is funn stuff! (:
although i'm really lousy at it!
i play better at yahoopool. haha.
DOTT'S really good in it though.
watched ouijaboard.
super scary please!
was msging my SHAKEIT at the same time
cos she was live at singapore idol
watching the results.
she msged me the results
that is, JERRY GOT OUT!
yes. he's finally out!
i expect town to be full of IJ girls today.
last day of exams what!
first time coming home straight after the last exam
for the past two to three weeks
i havent been geddin enough rest
spending the whole night studying
depended ALOT on coffee.
i guess i'm addicted to it now.
anyways. i'm just glad ITS OVER! (: